13621. Misbranding of canned roekfish. U. S. v. 74 Cases * * *. (P. D. C. No 22913. Sample No. 74400-H.) LIBEL FILED : April 18,1947, District of Massachusetts. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about November 9,1946, by Columbia River Salmon Co., Inc., from Astoria, Oreg. PRODUCT: 74 cases, each containing 48 7-ounce cans, of rockfish at Boston, Mass. LABEL IN PART : "Blue Letter A Flaked Boneless Pacific Ocean Rockfish In Pure Salad Oil." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 403 (a), the label statement "In Pure Salad Oil" was false and misleading since the article was packed in brine containing a very small amount of oil; and, Section 403 (d), the container was so filled as to be misleading since the cans were not filled as full of fish as practicable. DISPOSITION : On May 28.1947, the case was transferred to the Western District of Washington. On July 30, 1948, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.