13115. Adulteration and misbranding of canned cherries. U. S. v. Stockton Food Products, Inc., and William A. Bundy. Pleas of guilty. Corpora- tion fined $5,000: individual fined $2,000 and placed on 2 years' proba- tion. (F. D. C. No. 22100. Sample Nos. 63891-H, 63899-H.) INFORMATION FILED: July 7, 1947, Northern District of California, against the Stockton Food Products, Inc., Stockton, Calif., and William A. Bundy, president. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about June 5 and 13, 1946, from the State of Cali- fornia into the State of New York. LABEL IN PART: "Real-Ripe Brand Dark Sweet Cherries," or "Heart O' Quality Brand Royal Anne Cherries * * * Extra Heavy Syrup." NATURE OF CHARGE: Dark sweet cherries. Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in part of decomposed cherries. Royal Anne cherries. Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the label statement "Extra Heavy Syrup" was false and misleading, since the product was packed in heavy sirup; and, Section 403 (g) (2), the product purported to be and was represented as canned cherries, a food for which a definition and standard of identity had been prescribed by the regulations, and its label failed to bear the name of the optional packing medium present, since the label bore the statement "Extra Heavy Syrup," whereas the article was packed in heavy sirup. DISPOSITION : August 18, 1947. Pleas of guilty having been entered on behalf of the defendants, the corporation was fined $5,000 and the individual defend- ant was fined $2,000 and placed on 2 years' probation.