12717. Adulteration of canned Mexican Style bKans. U. S. v. 122 Gases * * *. (F. D. C. No. 23419. Sample No. 76964-H.) LIBEL FILED : August 19, 1947, District of Minnesota. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about July 8, 1947, by the Ladoga Canning Co., from Lebanon, Ind. PRODUCT: 122 cases, each containing 24 1-pound, 4-ounce cans, of Mexican Style beans at St. Paul, Minn. LABEL IN PART : "Boone County Brand Mexican Style Beans In Chili Gravy." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (1), the product contained burrs; an added deleterious substance, which may have rendered it injurious to health. DISPOSITION : December 15, 1947. No claimant having appeared, judgment was entered ordering the product destroyed.