12526. Adulteration of canned prune plums and prunes, and canned cherries. V. S. v. Stayton Canning Co. Cooperative, a Corporation, and Fernando M. Smith. Pleas of nolo contendere. Fines of $350 against the cor- poration and $25 against Fernando M. Smith. (F. J>. C. No. 21511. Sam- ple Nos. 58202-H, 58203-H, 58219-H, 58221-H, 58224-H, 58241-H, 58253-H INFORMATION FILED: January 23, 1947, against the Stayton Canning Co. Co- operative, Stayton, Oreg., and Fernando M. Smith, vice president. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : December 15,17, 27, and 28,1945, from the State of Oregon into the State of Montana. LABEL, IN PART: "Santiam Brand * * * Prune Plums," "Santiam Brand * * * Prunes," or "Santiam Brand Light Sweet Royal Anne Cherries." NATURE OF CHARGE : Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the canned prune plums and prunes consisted in part of decomposed substances by reason of the pres- ence of decomposed fruit, and the canned cherries consisted in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of maggots. DISPOSITION : February 13,1947. Pleas of nolo contendere; fines of $350 against the corporation and $25 against Fernando M. Smith.