12471. Adulteration of butter and process cheese. U. S. v. Frank Pilley & Sons, Inc., and Frank E. Pilley, Jr., Mark A. Pilley, Jacob W. Teubel, William Christianson, and Scott J. Davis. Pleas of guilty. Corporation fined $1,600 and costs; individual defendants each fined $40. (F. D. C. No. 22028. Sample Nos. 3299-H, 3300-H, 51443-H to 51446-H, incl, 51555-H, 51580-H, 63800-H, 64802-H.) INFORMATION FILED: April 29, 1947, Northern District of Iowa, against Frank Pilley & Sons, Inc., Sioux City, Iowa, and Frank E. Pilley, Jr., president of the corporation, Mark A. Pilley, vice president, and Jacob W. Teubel, William Christianson, and Scott J. Davis. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Between the approximate dates of August 27 and October 8, 1946, from the State of Iowa into the States of Maryland, New York, and South Dakota. in whole or in part of filthy substances by reason of the presence of insect fragments, setae, mites, rodent hair fragments, manure fragments, feather fragments, metal and paint fragments, nondescript dirt, and cow hair; and, Section 402 (a) (4), they had been prepared and packed under insanitary conditions whereby they may have become contaminated with filth. DISPOSITION: August 27, 1947. Pleas of guilty having been entered on behalf of the defendants, the corporation was fined $1,600 and costs, and each of the other five defendants was fined $40.