12334. Misbranding of canned peaches. U. S. v. Pleasant Grove Canning ComŽ pany. Plea of guilty. Fine, $75. (F. D. C. No. 23320. Sample Nos. 41349-H, 91511-H.) INFORMATION FILED : August 12, 1947, District of Utah against Pleasant Grove Canning Co., a corporation, Pleasant Grove, Utah. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about November 4 and 5, 1946, from the State of Utah into the States of Kansas and Missouri. LABEL IN PART : "Utah Valley Brand Yellow Freestone Peaches Peeled Halves Packed in Medium Syrup." NATURE OF CHARGE: Misbranding, Section 403 (h) (1), the product failed to conform to the standard of quality for canned peaches, since all the peach units were not untrimmed or so trimmed as to preserve their normal shape, as required by the regulations, and the label failed to bear the substandard legend; and, Section 403 (g) (2), the product failed to conform to the definition and standard of identity for canned peaches since its label failed to bear the name of the optional packing medium present. The label bore the statement "Packed in Medium Syrup," a packing medium not provided for in the regu- lations, and the product was packed in light sirup. DISPOSITION : August 29,1947. A plea of guilty having been entered on behalf of the defendant, a fine of $75 was imposed.