11996. Adulteration of Mack pepper. U. S. v. Gee Zee Food Products Co., a part¬ nership, and Harry Zak and Irving Goldin. Pleas of guilty. Fine, $200 and costs. (F, D. C. No. 22014. Sample Nos. 1782-H, 1784-H, 54571-H.) INFORMATION FILED : April 2, 1947, against the Gee Zee Food Products Co., Chi- cago, Ill., and Harry Zak and Irving Goldin, partners. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about August 23 and 27 and September 11,1946, from the State of Illinois into the State of Georgia, i LABEL IN PART : "Gee! Zee Finest Black Pepper." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (d) (2), starchy material had been substituted in part for black pepper; and, Section 402 (b) (4), starchy material had been added to the article and mixed and packed with it so as to increase its bulk and weight and reduce its quality and strength. DISPOSITION: April 28, 1947. Pleas of guilty having been entered, the court imposed a fine of $200 and costs against the defendants jointly,