10676. Adulteration of Cream of Nuts. IT. S. v. 25, 15, and 8 Cases * * *. (F. D. C. No. 18277. Sample Nos. 13650-H to 13652-H, incl.) LIBEL FILED : November 8,1945, Eastern District of Tennessee. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about July 10, 1945, by the Hoover Food Products Corporation, from Chicago, Ill. PRODUCT: 48 cases of Cream of Nuts at Knoxville, Tenn. The product was labeled to indicate that it contained appreciable amounts of peanuts, almonds, or black walnuts, whereas it consisted chiefly of water, with small amounts of ground nuts or other fatty substance, sugar, and starch. LABEL IN PART: "Cream of Nuts Homogenized Peanut [or "Almond," or "Black Walnut"] Contents 10% Ozs. Nunut Foods, Inc. Plainwell, Michigan." NATURE OF CHARGE : Adulteration in violation of Section 402. DISPOSITION: On January 5, 1946, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed. On April 19,1946, the decree was amended to permit the Fat Salvage Unit, War Produc- tion Board, to take possession of the goods if it so desired, in order to salvage the fat. OILS AND FATS