10635. Adulteration of canned peas. IT. S. v. 348 Cases * * * (and 3 other seizure actions). (F. D. C. Nos. 18519, 19454, 19455, 20407. Sample Nos. 1630-H, 5045-H to 5047-H., incl., 18786-H, 23697-H.) LIBELS FILED : December 1,1945, and March 22 and 28 and July 18,1946, Western District of Louisiana, District of Minnesota, and Eastern Districts of Penn- sylvania and South Carolina. The South Carolina libel was subsequently amended to charge the seizure of an additional amount. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Between the approximate dates of September 4, 1945, and January 28,1946, by the Antigo Canning Factory, from Antigo, Wis. 1,551 cases at Philadelphia, Pa., and 661 cases at Charleston, S. C. Each case contained 24 cans of peas. Examination showed that one lot was sour and .de- composed and that the other lots were undergoing decomposition. LABEL, IN PART: (Portions) "Vita-Pak Brand Sweet Peas," "Ken-Dawn Sweet Peas," or "Pantry Pride Sweet [or "Jumbo Sweet," or "Tiny Early"]/ Peas." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the article consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance. DISPOSITION : May 14 and 28, June 4, and November 5, 1946. No claimant hav- ing appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered destroyed.