10335. Adulteration and misbranding of imitation pepper. 17. S. v. Tulah Evans Brooks (General Products Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $500. Defend- ant placed on probation for 3 years. (F. D. C. No. 16586. Sample No. 217-H.) INFORMATION FILED : On or about November 6,1945, Middle District of Georgia, against Tulah Evans Brooks, trading as the General Products-Co., Albany, Ga. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about March 1,1945, from the State of Georgia into the State of North Carolina. LABEL IN PART: "Ritz Black Pepper Decortication With buckwheat mid- dlings added." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402(b) (1), a valuable constituent, pepper, had been in whole or in part omitted from the product; and, Section 402(b) (2), a mixture of buckwheat hulls and bran and flour with pepper shells had been substituted in whole or in part for black pepper. Misbranding, Section 403(a), the label statement "Black Pepper," borne prominently on the label, was false and misleading; and this false and mislead- ing impression created by the prominent statement was not corrected by the inconspicuous statement "Decortication with buckwheat middlings added." Further misbranding, Section 403(e) (2), the article failed to bear a label con- taining an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents, for the label bore no statement of the quantity of the contents. DISPOSITION : April 2,1946. A plea of guilty having been entered, the defendant was fined $500 and placed on probation for 3 years.