9401. Adulteration of eorn meal. U. S. v. Aylor & Meyer Co. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50. (F. D. C. No. 19043. Sample Nos. 13321-H, 13324-H, 14246-H, 14248-H, 14249-H.) INFORMATION FILED: April 18, 1946, Southern District of Indiana, against the - Aylor & Meyer Co., a partnership, Aurora and Rising Sun, Ind. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Between the approximate dates of October 16 and November 5, 1945, from the State of Indiana into the States of Ohio and Kentucky^ LABEL IN PART : "Romeo White Bolted Corn Meal," or "Romeo White Bolted Meal." NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the article consisted in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of rodent excreta fragments. DISPOSITION : June 25, 1946. A plea of guilty having been entered,' the court imposed a fine of $50.