8988. Adulteration of red peppers. TT. S. v. 12 Bags of Red Peppers. Consent de¬ cree of condemnation. Product ordered released under bond. (F. D. C. No. 15474. Sample No. 22418-H.) LIBEL FILED: March 5,1945, Southern District of Illinois. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about July 30,1942, by Thomas Scott & Co., Inc., from New York, N. Y. PRODUCT: 12 100-pound bags of red peppers at Peoria, Ill. NATURE OF CHARGE: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the article consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of insects, larvae, and insect fragments. DISPOSITION: May 24, 1945. Allaire, Woodward & Co., Peoria, Ill., claimant, having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was en- tered and the product was ordered released under bond for the salvage of the usable portion and the destruction of the unfit portion, under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration.