8740. Misbranding of canned cherries. U. S. v. 28 Cases of Canned Cherries. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to a chari- table institution. (F. D. C. No. 15216. Sample No. 9205-H.) LIBEL FILED : February 7,1945, Western District of Pennsylvania. ALLEGED SHIPMENT; On or about August 10, 1944, by the Miles-Bradford Co., from Fredonia, N. Y. PRODUCT: 28 cases, each containing 6 6-pound, 7-ounee cans, of cherries at Warren, Pa. Examination showed that the article was substandard in quality because of excessive pits, an average of 7.5 pits having been found in each 20 ounces of canned cherries. See also Nos. 8653-8657, 8798. fell below the standard for canned cherries prescribed by the regulations; and its label failed to bear, in such manner and form as the regulations specify, a statement that it fell below such standard. DISPOSITION: May 28, 1945. No claimant having appeared, judgment of con- demnation was entered and the product was ordered delivered to a charitable institution.