8555. Adulteration of whole wheat flour. U. S. v. 18 Bags and 31 Bags of Whole Wheat Flour. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. Nos. 16974, 17399. Sample Nos. 13972-H, 13990-H.) LIBELS FILED : August 2 and 31, 1945, Southern District of Ohio. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : April 28 and June 20, 1945, by the Larabee Flour Mills Co., from Kansas City, Mo., and Clinton, Mo. PRODUCT: 49 100-pound bags of flour at Cincinnati, Ohio. LABEL, IN PART: "Whole Wheat Flour High Protein Fine Granulated," or "Larabee's Whole Wheat Flour." whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of beetles, larvae, and insect fragments. DISPOSITION : September 18 and 19,1945. The consignee of the 31-bag lot having consented to its immediate destruction, and no claimant having appeared for the other lot, judgments were entered ordering the condemnation and destruc- tion of the product. Destruction was effected by delivery of the product for use as animal feed;