8464. Adulteration of raw chicken fat. T. S. v. First National Stores, Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $25. (F. D. C. No. 9631. Sample Nos. 19602-F, 19604-F to 19606-F, incl., 19608-F, 19609-F.) • INFORMATION FILED : On June 25,1943, in the District of Massachusetts, against the First National Stores, Inc., Somerville, Mass. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : Between the approximate dates of November 18 and Decem- ber 1,1942, the defendant caused to be introduced and delivered for.introduction into interstate commerce, from the States of Connecticut, Maine, New Hamp- shire, and New York into the State of Massachusetts, a quantity of raw chicken fat. VIOLATION CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy, putrid, and decomposed substance by reason of the presence of fecal material, sections of intestines and skin, and decomposed and putrid animal tissues. DISPOSITION : November 8, 1944. A plea of nolo contendere having been entered on behalf of the defendant, a fine of $25 was imposed.