8374. Adulteration of evaporated milk. IT. S. v. The Borden Co. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine, $250. (F. D. C. No. 12555. Sample No. 58329-F.) INFORMATION FILED: September 5, 1944, District of Arizona, against the Bor- den Co., a corporation, Tempe, Ariz. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about September 20, 1943, from the State of Ari- zona into the State of New Mexico. LABEL IN PART: "Borden's * * * Evaporated Milk." VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of insect fragments, manure-like fibers, a hair resembling cattle hair, a hair resembling rodent or cat hair, and a feather part; and, Section 402 (a) (4), it had been prepared, packed, and held under insanitary conditions whereby it might have become contaminated with filth. DISPOSITION : December 12, 1944. A plea of nolo contendere having been en- tered on behalf of the defendant, a fine of $250 was imposed.