8348. Misbranding of chocolate bars. V. S. v. 13 Cases of Chocolate Bars. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to charitable institutions. (F. D. C. No. 14910. Sample No. 94213-F.) LIBEL FILED : January 12,1945, Southern District of New York. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about December 15, 1944, by the Bachman Chocolate Mfg. Co., Mt. Joy, Pa. PRODUCT: 13 cases, each containing 12 boxes, of 24 1%-ounce chocolate bars at New York, N. Y. Examination showed that the article consisted of sweet milk chocolate. The product contained approximately 45 percent sugars, of which only about % was dextrose. The bar was made in the form of a block, with a hollow depression in the top, and it was wrapped in an opaque wrapper which served to conceal the depression. LABEL IN PART: (Bars) "Athlete 54 Sweet Milk Chocolate Bar." VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the following statements which appeared in the label were false and misleading, since the article's to- tal sugar content was only approximately one-third dextrose: "Rich in Pure Dextrose ('Muscle' Sugar) * * * The Value of Dextrose to Active People * * * Doctors call Dextrose 'muscle sugar'. Many athletes are given Dextrose before, during and after contests. Dextrose sugar is also prescribed for new-born babies, for growing children, for active men and women. Athlete Bar * * * provides an abundance of Dextrose to help fight fatigue and to build up a reserve supply of food energy * * * rich in pure Dextrose sugar"; and, Section 403 (d), the container was so made, formed, and filled as to be misleading, since the container, the opaque wrapper, concealed the deep depression in the chocolate bar. DISPOSITION : February 1, 1945. No claimant having appeared, judgment of con- demnation was entered and the product was ordered delivered to charitable institutions.