8233. Adulteration of raisins. V. S. v. 131 Boxes and 33 Boxes of Raisins. De¬ fault decrees of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to the Na- tional Zoological Park. (F. D. C. Nos. 16160, 16163. Sample Nos. 2881-H, 2882-H.) LIBELS FILED : May 18, 1945, District of Columbia. PRODUCT: 143 boxes, each containing 30 pounds, of raisins which were being held for sale in the District of Columbia in possession of the Fairfax Bread Co., Division of Safeway Stores, Inc., Washington, D. C. LABEL IN PART : "Bonner's Choice Thompson Seedless Raisins Packed by Bon- ner Packing Co. Fresno, California," "Dessert Brand Choice Recleaned Thomp- son Seedless Raisins, California Packing Corporation, San Francisco, Califor- nia," or "Selmor Brand Choice Thompson Seedless Raisins Pacific Raisin Com- pany, Inc. Fowler, Calif." VIOLATION CHARGED : Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of beetles, larvae, and insect-infested raisins. DISPOSITION: July 5, 1945. No claimant having appeared, judgments of con- demnation were entered and the product was ordered delivered to the National Zoological Park, for use as animal feed.