7511. Adulteration of pies. U. S. v. Tung & Mueller Bakery Co. and Conrad William Walters. Pleas of guilty. Corporation fined $750 j individual fined $300. (F. D. C. No. 11412. Sample Nos. 62727-F, 62729-F, 62730-F.) Yung & Mueller Bakery Co., a corporation, St. Louis, Mo., and Conrad William Walters, general manager and secretary-treasurer of the corporation. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about December 4,-1943, from the State of Missouri into the State of Illinois. LABEL IN PART: (Portion) "De Luxe Y & M * * * Mince." VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of insects, insect fragments, a hair resembling a cat hair, and a cat hair fragment; and, Section 402 (a) (4), it had been prepared under insanitary conditions where- by it may have become contaminated with filth. DISPOSITION: October 30, 1944. Pleas of guilty having been entered, the cor- poration was fined $250 on each of 3 counts, a total fine of $750; and the in- dividual defendant was fined $100 on each of the 3 counts, a total fine of $300.