7191. Misbranding of vanilla dessert powder. 17. S. v. 516 Packages of Vanilla Dessert Powder. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 12871. Sample No. 52126-F.) LIBEL FILED: July 6, 1944, District of Massachusetts. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about June 3, 1944, by the 6 O Clock Co.,' from Norristown, Pa. PRODUCT: 616 3-ounce packages of vanilla dessert powder, at South Boston, Mass. LABEL IN PART: "Vanilla 6 O Clock Dessert." VIOLATION CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (d), the container was so filled as to be misleading since the dessert powder occupied less than half the volume of the box. DISPOSITION: August 8, 1944. No claimant having appeared, judgment of con- demnation was entered and the product was, ordered destroyed. Destruction was effected by delivery of the product to a charitable institution.