7178. Adulteration and misbranding of oil. IT. S, v. Henry Plumer (Chandu Coffee Co.). Plea of guilty. Sentence suspended and defendant placed on probation for 1 day. (F. D. C. No. 7222. Sample Nos. 74390-E, 74391-E.) ¦ concealed by the addition of artificial flavoring and coloring; and, Section 402 (b) (4), artificial coloring and flavoring had been added to the article so as to make it appear better and of greater value-than it was. Misbranding, Section 403. (c), the article was an imitation of another,food, olive oil, and its label failed to bear, in type of uniform size and prominence, the word "imitation" and, immediately thereafter, the name of the food imitated; Section 403 (e) (1), the article was in package form and did not bear a label containing the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or dis- tributor; Section 403 (k), it contained artificial flavoring and coloring and did not bear labeling stating that fact; and, Section 403 (f), the information required i by law to appear on the labeling was not placed thereon in such terms as to render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use, since the can label bore representa- tions in the Italian language, including the statement, "Quest Olio E Special- mente Preparato Per II Gusto Italiano," and the English equivalent, "This Oil is Specially Prepared for the Italian Trade," and by reason of the representa- tions, the food purported to be prepared especially for the Italian purchaser, r whereas the information required by law to appear on the labeling did not appear thereon in the Italian language. : DISPOSITION: June 28; 1944. A plea ¦ of guilty was entered; sentence-was sus- " pended and the defendant was placed on probation for 1 day.