6742. Misbranding of onions. U. S. v. Ady & Milburn, Inc. Plea of nolo con¬ tendere. Fine, $100. (F. D. C. No. 11372. Sample No. 57903-F.) INFORMATION FILED: On March 10, 1944, in the District of Colorado, against Ady & Milburn, Inc., La Junta, Colo. x ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about October 11, 1943, from the State of Colorado into the State of Illinois. LABEL IN PART: "A & M 50 Lbs. Net Onions." VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the statement "50 Lbs. Net" was false and misleading as applied to the product, which was short weight; and, Section 403 (e)(2), the product was in package form and did not bear a label containing an accurate statement of the quantity of the. contents. DISPOSITION: April 8, 1944. A plea of nolo contendere having been entered, the defendant was fined $100.