6683. Misbranding of cow and bog feed. TJ. S. v. Mountain City Mill Co., Inc. Plea of guilty. Fine, $500. (F. D. C. No. 11348. Sample Nos. 34403-F to 34405-F, incl.) ««—«»—, INFORMATION FILED: On February 19,1944, in the Eastern District of Tennessee, against the Mountain City Mill Co., Inc., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about May 11 and July 6, 1943, from the State of Tennessee into the State of North Carolina. x LABEL IN PART: (Tags) "Blue Cow 16% Feed," or "Prize Winner Hog Feed," VIOLATIONS CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (a), the statements in the labeling of the products, (cow feed) "Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein, not less than 16.0Q % Crude Fat, not less than 3.00 % [or "3.50 %"]," and (hog feed) "Guaranteed Analysis Crude Protein, not less than 14% Crude Fat, not less than 3%%," were false and misleading since the cow feed contained in one shipment not more than ^3>ilftwpjercent of crude protein and 1.99 percent of crude fat, and in the other shipment not more than 13.04 percent of crude protein and 2,11 percent of crude fat; and the hog feed contained not more than 11.85 percent of crude protein and 2.71 percent of crude fat; in addition, the statements (portion of cow feed) "Made From * * * Ground Barley * * * Soy Bean Oil Meal," (remainder of cow feed) "Made From * * * Soy Bean Oil Meal," and (hog feed) "Ingredients * * * Soy Bean Oil Meal," were false and misleading since the articles did not contain soy bean oil meal, and one lot of the cow feed did not contain ground barley; and, Section 403 (i) (2), the articles were fabricated from two or more ingredients and their labels failed to bear the common or usual name of each such ingredient since they contained ground wheat and rye, and their labels did not declare ground wheat and rye in the list of ingredients. DISPOSITION: April 17, 1944, A plea of guilty having been entered, a fine of 1 $500 was imposed.