6549. Adulteration of 'shelled peanuts. U. S. v. 105 Bags of Shelled Peanuts. Consent decree of condemnation. Product ordered -released under bond. (F. D. C. No. 12014. Sample No. 63206-F.) LIBEL FILED : March 14, 1944, Western District of North Carolina. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about February 11, 1944, by the South Quay Peanut Co., from Franklin, Va. PRODUCT: 105 bags of shelled peanuts at Charlotte, N. C. VIOLATION CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy and decomposed substance by reason of the pres- ence of rancid, moldy, and dirty peanuts. DISPOSITION: April 10, 1944. Milford Pettus and Mary D. Pettus, trading as the J. & J. Candy Co., Charlotte, N. C, claimant, having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered released under bond for the'segregation and destruction of the unfit portion, under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration. An amended decree was entered on May 18, 1944, ordering the crushing of the peanuts for the manufacture of oil and peanut cake for feed and fertilizer, under the super- vision of the Food and Drug Administration.