6310. Adulteration of dates. IT. S. v. 9 Flats and 66 Flats of Dates. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. Nos. 11191, 11310. Sample Nos. 64804-F, 64805-F, 64814-F.) LIBELS FILED: November 30, 1943, Western District of Washington; on or about January 6,1944, District of Oregon. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: On or about October 23 and November 13, 1943, by the Pacific Fruit & Produce Co., from Los Angeles, Calif. PRODUCT: 9 flats of dates at Seattle, Wash., and 66 flats of dates at Medford, Oreg., each flat containing 15 pounds. LABEL IN PART: "La-Nut Brand California Deglet-Noor Dates Packed For L. A. Nut House, Los Angeles, California," or "Packed for United Date , Growers Indio, California * * * Fancy Hydrated Saidy," or "Fancy Hydrated Zahidy * * * Grown in Arizona." VIOLATION CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of one or more of the following: Worms, insect excreta, and larvae; and (2 flats) it consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance. DISPOSITION: February 18 and July 29, 1944. No claimant having appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered destroyed.