6159. Misbranding of onions. U. S. v. Justman-Frankenthal Company and Howard William Grimsley. Pleas of guilty. Each defendant fined 8175. (F. D. C. No. 11401. Sample Nos. 23482-F, 41116-F, 56343-F, 57904-F to 57906-F, incL, 57912-F, 57913-F.) INFORMATION FILED : On June 16, 1944, in the District of Colorado, against the Justman-Frankenthal Co., a partnership, and Howard W. Grimsley, an indi- vidual, Crowley and Ordway, Colo. ALLEGED SHIPMENT: From on or about October 8 to 13, 1943, from the State of Colorado into the States of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, and Kentucky. ?See also No. 6009. "50 Lbs.," or "50 Lbs. Net," borne on the sacks, were false and misleading' ( because the product was short-weight; and, Section 403 (e) (2), in that the v article was in package form and its label failed to bear an accurate statement - of the quantity of the contents since the sacks contained less than the "50 Lbs." declared. DISPOSITION : July 1,1944. Pleas of guilty having been entered, each defendant was fined $25 on each of the 7 counts, a total fine of $350.