6141. Misbranding of canned peas. U. S. v. 360 Cases and 150 Cases of Canned Peas. Consent decree of condemnation. Product released for relabeling. (F. D. C. No. 12648. Sample Nos. 46941-F, 46950-F.) LIBEL FILED : June 13,1944, Northern District of Illinois. - . ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about July 26 and 29, 1943, by the Krier Preserving Co., from Belgium, Wis. PRODUCT: 510 cases, each containing 24 cans, of peas at Chicago, Ill. LABEL IN PART : (Cans) "Appealing Brand * * * Early June Peas * * * Wurm Brothers Co. Chicago Distributors." VIOLATION CHARGED: Misbranding, Section 403 (h) (1), the product was below standard. DISPOSITION: July 20, 1944. The Krier Preserving Co., claimant, having ad- mitted the facts set forth in the libel, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered released under bond for relabeling under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration.