5823. Adulteration of rye flour. V. S. v. 19 Bags and 281 Bass of Rye Flour. Consent decrees of condemnation. Product ordered released under bond to be denatured for use as stock feed. (F. D. C. Nos. 11233, 11256. Sample Nos. 49005-F, 49006-F.) LIBELS FILED : December 3 and 8, 1943, Southern District of Ohio. ALLEGED SHIPMENT : On or about April 21 and August 6, 1943, by the Globe Mill- ing Co., "Watertown, Wis. PRODUCT: 300 98-pound bags of rye flour at Cincinnati, Ohio. LABEL IN PART: "Pure Dark Rye," or "Medium Dark Rye Blue Ribbon Rye Flour Pure Wisconsin Rye Flour." VIOLATION CHARGED: Adulteration, Section 402 (a) (3), the product consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence of one or more of the following types of filth: Insects, -larvae, pupae, cast skins, insect fragments, and rodent hair fragments. DISPOSITION: January 15, 1944. The Globe Milling Co., claimant, having ad- mitted the facts set forth in the libels, judgments of condemnation were entered. The product was ordered released under bond to be denatured for use'as stock feed, under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration.