5612. Adulteration of flour. IT. S. v. 200 Bags of Flour. Decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 10752. Sample No. 52827-F.) On or about September 14, 1943, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia filed a libel against 200 bags of flour at Norfolk, Va., alleg- ing that the article had been shipped on or about April 26, 1943, by the Red Wing Milling Co. from Red Wing, Minn.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance because of the presence of insects, larvae, pupae, and insect fragments. It was labeled in part: "Red Wing Special Patent Bleached Flour." On November 19, 1943, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemna- tion was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.