5597. Misbranding of Williams anti-gray hair vitamin. U. S. v. 11 Dozen Pint Bottles and 39% Dozen 3-ounce Bottles of Williams Anti-Gray Hair Vita- min. Default decree of destruction. (F. D. C. No. 8620. Sample No. . 7855-F.).- '¦¦-¦/' ' Examination showed that this product contained approxiniately 80 milligrams of calcium pantothenate per fluid ounce. On October 22, 1942, the United States attorney for the District of Minnesota filed a libel against 11 dozen pint bottles and 39% dozen 3-ounce bottles of Williams anti-gray hair vitamin at various drug stores in St. Paul and Minne- apolis, Minn., alleging that the article, which had been consigned by the Williams S, L. K. Laboratories, had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about August 24 and September 1 and 21, 1942, from Milwaukee, Wis.; and charging that it was misbranded. The article was alleged to be misbranded in that the statements appearing in its labeling which represented and suggested that it was effective in restoring the natural color to gray hair, and that there was scientific evidence that it was effective for such purposes in a substantial majority of the cases in which it was used, were false and misleading since the article was not so effective and there was no scientific evidence which demonstrated that it was effective for such purpose. * On December 10, 1942, no claimant having appeared, judgment was entered ordering the destruction of the product.