5366. Adulteration of mincemeat. V. S. v. Old Virginia Packing Co., Inc. Plea . 7.of guilty. Fine, $225. (F. D. C. No. 9637. Sample Nos. 24171-F, 24172-F, 368,43-F.) This product contained rodent hairs and other hairs, insects, miscellaneous in- sect fragments, insect parts, and larvae: : , On July.7,1943, the United States attorney for the Western District of Virgi- nia filed an information against the Old Virginia Packing Co., Inc., at Front Royal, Va., alleging^ shipment within the period from on or about November IB to December 17,1942, from the State of Virginia into the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia of a quantity of mincemeat that was adulterated in that, it consisted in . whole or in part of a filthy Substance,and in that it had been prepared under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contam- inated with filth.. The article was labeled in part: "Virginia Royal Fancy Plain Mincemeat," "Major Brand Mincemeat,'? or "Old Virginia Extra Fancy Mince- meat Wine and Bum." Qn October 25, 1943, a plea of guilty having been entered on behalf of the de- fendant, the court imposed a fine of $75 on each of the 3 counts contained in the information, or a total fine of $225.