6301. Adulteration of, butter. U. . S. v. 17 Cartons (204 pounds) and 98 Pounds of Butter. Default decrees of condemnation. Product ordered sold to be used as salvage fat under the direction of tbe 'War Production Board. (F. D.C. Nos. 10476, 10496. Sample Nos. 37279-F, 46288-F, 46289r-F.) On July 26 and August 9, 1943, the United States attorneys for the District of Maryland and the Northern District of West Virginia filed libels against 17 12-pound cartons of butter at Salisbury, Md., and 98 pounds of butter at Clarks- burg, W. Va., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 16, 1943- by the Tri-State Butter Co. from Cincinnati, Ohio; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted, in whole or in part of a filthy or decomposed animal substance. The article,was labeled in part: (Wrapper) "Sunnydale Brand Butter," (carton) "Valley Farms Brand *' * * Creamery Butter," or. "Rainbow Brand Creamery Butter." On August 30 and September 7, 1943, no claimant having appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered sold for use as salvage fat as directed by the War Production Board.