5135. Misbranding of candy. 17. S. v. 197 Packages of Candy. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered delivered to welfare organizations. (F. D. C. No. 9853. Sample Nos. 41645-F, 48061-F.) This product was short of the declared weight and the packages contained excessive paper packing medium. On April 23, 1943, the United States attorney for the Southern District of Ohio filed a libel against 197 packages of candy at Cincinnati Ohio, which had been consigned on or about March 26, 1943, alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce by Miss Morris Candies, Inc., from Minneapolis, Minn.; and charging that it was misbranded. The article was labeled in part: "Miss Morris Chocolates Easter Greetings Net Weight 1 Lb." The article was alleged to be misbranded (1) in that the statement "Net Weight 1 Lb." was false and misleading as applied to an article that was short-weight; (2) in that its container was so filled as to be misleading since the candy occupied ) • ..:¦ ' less than half the volume of the package; and (3) in that it was in package form and failed to bear a label containing an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents. On June 3, 1943, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered delivered to various welfare organiza- tions.