5060. Adulteration of tomato puree. U. S. v. 48 Cases of Tomato Puree (and 2 additional seizure actions against tomato puree). Default decree of condemnation. Two .of the lots ordered destroyed. > Good portion of remaining lot ordered. delivered to a welfare organization. (F. D. C. Nos. 9453, 9454, 9961. Sample Nos. 8964-F, 8969-F, 10'457-F, ¦ 10458-F.J ¦ '; ¦• '¦¦ ; ' On or about March 2 and 16, and May 21, 1943, the United States attorneys for the District of Oregon, the Western District of Washington, and the Southern District,of Texas filed libels against 48 cases of tomato puree at Portland, Oreg-, 147 cases of tomato puree at Seattle, Wash., and, 249 cases of tomato puree at Hous- e ton, Tex., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce within J the period from, onor about January 22 to February 19, 1943, by the, Frank Baiter Canning Co. from Salinas^ Gaiif.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it -\ - consisted iii "Whole or m part of a decomposed; stibstahce; The article1 Was labeled , in part: "Red Sail Product of U:S.A. Tomato Pureed"*' ¦¦¦•¦¦.>-¦¦ Between April 6 and June 29, 1943, no claimant having appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered. The lot located at Portland, Oreg., was ordered sorted, the good portion to be delivered to a welfare organization and the remainder to be destroyed. The lots located at Seattle/'Wash., and Houston, Tex Were ordered destroyed;