5036. Adulteration of canned okra. IT. S. v. 474 Cases of Okra (and 9 additional seizure actions against okra). Default decrees of condemnation. (F. D. C. Nos. 9131, 9262 9471, 9473, 9505, 9523, 9588, 9927, 10006. Sample Nos. 3036-F, 3037-F, 3574-F, 8941-F 8943-F, 8962-F, 8963-F, 9029-F, 9477-F, 9809-F to 9811-F, ind., 9813-F, 10367-F.) This product was in whole or in part sour and decomposed. Within the period from on or about January 27 and May 28; 1943, the United States attorneys for the Northern District of Texas, the Southern District of Texas, the Western District of Texas, the Eastern District of Oklahoma, and the Western District of Missouri filed libels against 474 cases of canned okra at Dallas, Tex., 119 cases at Houston, Tex., 262 cases at Kansas City, Mo., 48 cases at Muskogee; Okla., 135 cases at.El Paso, Tex., 255 cases at Houston, Tex., and 47 cases at Fort Worth; Tex., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce within the period from on or about August 5, 1941, to November 12, 1942, by the Pine oj « ' - '.NOTICES OF'^DGMEINfT/''^ f ' V "\tS% Grove Canning Co. from St. Martinville, La.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance rendering it unfit } for human consumption. The article was labeled in part: "Pine Grove Brand Cut Okra," "Creole Maid Brand Cut Okra," or "Gulf Bend Brand Cut Okra." - - Between April 3 and August 11, 1943, no claimant having appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered destroyed. On August 11, 1943, the decree entered in the case covering the lot located at Fort Worth, Tex.,' was amended providing for the use of the product as hog feed. ,