4984. Adulteration of frozen whole eggs. XT. S. v. 1,954 Cans of Frozen Whole Eggs. Product ordered'released under bond for Segregation of the fit portion from the unfit portion and disposal of the latter for purposes other than human consumption. (F. D. C. No. 9049. Sample No. 9566-F.) On December 12, 1942, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Alabama filed a libel against 1,954 cans, each containing 30 pounds, of frozen whole eggs at Birmingham, Ala., alleging that the article had. been shipped in interstate commerce on or about December 3, 1942, by L. D. Schreiber & Co., Inc., from New York, N. Y.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted wholly or in part of a decomposed substance. On January 4, 1943, L. D. Schreiber & Co., having appeared as claimant, the court ordered the marshal to deliver the product to the claimant upon the execution of a bond conditioned that the product be inspected and the good portion segregated,from the bad at the premises where seized, but that if.removal were necessary or desirable an additional bond be posted conditioned upon disposition of the product under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration. On January 12, 1943, the product having been inspected and sorted as directed, and 1,261 cans having been found,to be fit for food, they were ordered released to the claimant and the 692 unfit cans were ordered disposed of for purposes other than human consumption.