- 4974. Adulteration of Cheddar cheese. U. S. v. 127 Boxes of Cheese. Default decree of condemnation. Product ordered sold. (F. D. C. No. 7965. Sample No. 7210-F.j On July 23, .1942, the United States-attorney for the Western District of-Wis-- corisin filed a libel against 127 71-pound boxes of cheese at Fennimore, "Wise alleg- ing that the article had been, shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 8, 1942, by the Gundef Cooperative Cheese Factory from Gunder, Iowa; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance* and iii; that it had been "prepared under insanitary conditions whereby it may have be- come contaminated with filth. The article was labeled in part: (Cheese) "AJG Cheddar Cheese Iowa Cheese Graders No. 160/' On September 24, 1942, no claimant having appeared/judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed. On August 12, 1943, the order of condemnation was amended providing for the sale of the product to the highest bidder for use other than for human consumption.