4902. Misbranding of coffee. U. S. v. David Baron (Baron Coffee Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $600. (F. D. C. No. 9616. Sample Nos. 18686-F, 18687-F, 18710-F.) On April 17, 1943, the United States attorney for the. District of Connecticut filed an information against David Baron, trading as the Baron Coffee Co. at Hartford, Conn., alleging shipment within the period from on or about November 18 to De- cember^, 1942, .from the State of Connecticut into-the State of Massachusetts of quantities of coffee that was misbranded. The article was labeled in part: "Baronet * * * Coffee." Two of the shipments bore the statement "With Chick - Peas," incon- spicuously stamped Cori the bag. One lot was alleged to be misbranded (1) in that the statement "Coffee" borne on the bags was false and misleading as applied to an article consisting in part of ground chick-peas; (2) in that it was a mixture of ground roasted coffee and ground roasted chick-peas and was offered for sale under the name of another food, coffee; and (3) in that it was fabricated from two or more ingredients and its label did not bear the common or usual name of each such ingredient. . The remaining lots of the article were alleged to be misbranded (1) in that if con- sisted of ground roasted coffee and ground roasted chick-peas and was offered for sale under the name of another food, coffee; and (2) in that it was fabricated from two or more ingredients, coffee and chick-peas, and the common or usual name of each of these ingredients was not prominently placed on the label with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs, or devices in the labeling) as to render it likely to be read by the ordinary individual under.customary conditions of purchase and use, in that the common or usual name of one of the ingredients of the food, chick-peas, was inconspicuously, rubber-stamped upon the bags containing the aTticle. On May 25, 1943, the defendant having entered a plea of guilty, the court imposed a fine of $600.