4636. Adulteration of canned asparagus. U. S. v. William Peter Jensen (Kenton Packing Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $150. (F. D. C. No. 8771. Sample Nos. 89548-E to 89550-B, incl.) Examination of this product showed the presence of cans that had undergone flat-sour decomposition and in which the contents were soiir, putrid, and con- tained living bacteria. On January 13, 1942, the United States attorney for the District of Delaware filed an information against William Peter Jensen, trading as the Kenton Pack- ing Co., at Kenton, Del., alleging shipment on or about May 8, 1942, from the State of Delaware into the State of New York of a quantity of canned asparagus that was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance. The article was labeled in part: "Sweet Life All Green Spears * * * Asparagus." On January 30, 1943, the defendant having entered a plea of guilty, the court imposed a fine of $150.