4524. Adulteration of hakery goods. U.S. v. Burry Biscuit Corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $1,200. (F. D. C. No. 8743. Sample Nos. 17563-F to 17565-F, Incl., 17768-F to 17770-F, incl.) On December 7, 1942, the United States attorney for ther District of New Jersey filed an information against the Burry Biscuit Corporation, Elizabeth, N. J., alleging shipment within the period from on or about July 23 to August 19,1942, from the State of New Jersey into the State of New York of quantities of bakery goods that were adulterated in that they consisted in whole or in part of filthy substances, and in that they had been prepared under insanitary conditions whereby they might have become contaminated with filth. The articles were labeled in part: "Burry's * *' * ¦ Crisp Brown Bi," "Butter Flavored Cookies," "Tasty Bud Saltine Soda Crackers," or "Dickens Character Assortment." On January 6, 1943, a plea of guilty having been entered on behalf of the defendant, the court imposed a fine of $1,200,