4312. Adulteration of rye flour, rye-wheat flour, and rye meal. V. S. v. 118 Bags of Flour and Meal. Consent decree of condemnation. Products or- dered released under bond for reconditioning:. (F. D. C. No. 8558; Sample Nos. 21535-F to 21539-F, incl.) The rye meal contained weevils, and the flour contained weevils and larvae. On October 9, 1942, the United States attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania filed a libel against 118 bags of flour and meal at Pittsburgh, Pa., alleging that the articles had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about February 24 and July 14, 1942, from Janesville, Wis., by Frank H. Blodgett, Inc.; and charging that it was adulterated, in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance. The article was labeled in part: "Pure Rock River Rye Meal," "Bismarck Wisconsin Rye-Wheat Jesse C. Stewart Co. Distributors, Penn.," "Wisconsin Bleached Pure Rye," or "Pure Patent Wiscogett White Rye Flour Bleached." On November 9, 1942, Jesse 0. Stewart Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., claimant, having admitted the allegations of the libel and having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnation was entered and the products were ordered released under bond for reconditioning and salvage. The products were mixed with other feeds and disposed of as feed for animals.