4303. Adulteration of bakery products. V. S. v. D. F. Stauffer Biscuit Company, Inc. Plea of nole contendere. Fine of $25 on each pf the first 4 counts, imposition of sentence suspended on the last count and defend- ant placed on probation for 1 year. (F. D. C. No. 7262. Sample Nos. 89015-E, 88023-E, 89031-B, 89037-E, 89038-E.) These products were found to contain human hairs, fragments of-hairs re- sembling rodent hairs, insect fragments, chips of paint, and small wood splinters. On July 22, 1942, the United States attorney for the Middle District of Penn- sylvania filed an information against the D. F. Stauffer Biscuit Co., Inc., at York, Pa., alleging shipment within the period from on or about December 26, 1941, to on or about January 26, 1942, from the State of Pennsylvania into the States of New York and New Jersey of quantities of bakery products that were adulterated in that they consisted in whole or in part of filthy substances, and in that they had been prepared under insanitary conditions whereby they might have become contaminated with filth. The articles were labeled in part: "Ginger Snaps [or "Animals"]. * * * L. M. Baldwin * * * Bronx, N. Y.," "Atlantic Biscuit Co. Inc. Distributors, Brooklyn, N. Y. * * * Alpine," "Flake Sodas [or "Cheese Chips"] * * * Ace Food Products Co., Distributors, Union City, N. J.," or "Vanilla * * . * Independent Foods Co., North Bergen, N. J.? , On December 7, 1942, a plea of nolo contendere having been entered on behalf of the defendant, the court imposed a fine of $25 on each of the first 4 counts and suspended imposition of sentence on the last count and placed the defendant on probation for 1 year.