3954. Misbranding of .canned cherries. V. S. V. Loveland Canning- Corporation. . Plea of.guilty. Fine $420. (F. D. C: No. 7277. Sample Nos. 43262-E, 65856-B, 65862-E, 73385-E, 81250-E, 81251-E, 81401-E.) v On July 22, 1942, the United States attorney..for the District of Colorado filed ah information against the Loveland Canning Corporation, at Loveland, Colo.> ¦ alleging shipment within the period from on or about March 6,1941, to February "6, 1942, from, the State of Cblorado into the States of Nebraska-, Wyoming, and' Kansas, of quantities of canned cherries which were mi^branded. The article was labeled in part: "Loveland Brand Water Pack Red Tart Pitted Cherries," "Rainbow Brand Water Pack Pitted Red Sour Cherries * * * Selected Products, Inc. Chicago; Ill. Exclusive Distributors^ or "Golden Valley Spur Pitted Red Pie Cherries * *.'*-.. Distributed By Nash-Finch Co. Minneapolis, Minn." The article was. alleged to be misbranded in that it purported to be and was represented as canned pitted cherries, a food for which a standard of quality had been prescribed by regulation as provided by law, but its quality fell below such standard in that there was present more than one pit to each 20 ounces of canned cherries, and-its label did hot bear in such manner* and form as the regulations specify a statement that it fell below such standard. On August 4, 1942, a plea of guilty having been, entered on .behalf of the defendant, the court imposed a fine of $420. > ^ ^ '¦ <.