3742. Adulteration and misbranding of beans with pork. IT. S. v. 113 Cases, 63 Cases, and 96 Cases of Beans -with Pork. Consent decrees of condemna- tion. Product ordered delivered to charitable institutions. (F. D. C. Nos. 7485, 7489, 7547. Sample Nos. 81444-B, 81610-B, 81640-E.) These canned beans were found to contain small stones ranging in size in the various lots from •& inch in diameter to about the size of a bean. One shipment was short of the declared weight On May 14 and 28,1942, the United States attorney for the District of Colorado filed libels against 272 cases, each, containing 48 cans of beans with pork, which had been consigned by the Norfolk Packing Co., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce within the period from on or about Jan- uary 19 to on or about April 1, 1942, from Plattsmouth, Nebr.; and charging that it was adulterated and that one lot was also misbranded. The article was labeled in part: "Select [or "First Prize" or "Morning Light"] Brand Beans With Pork." All 3 lots were alleged to be adulterated in that stones had been substituted wholly or in part for beans with pork, which the article purported to be. Adul- teration was alleged with respect to 2 of the lots for the further reason that stones had been added thereto or mixed and packed therewith so as to reduce its quality.. The Select brand was alleged to be misbranded in that the statement "Contents 16 Ounces" was false and misleading, and in that it was in package form and failed to bear a label containing an accurate statement of the quantity of the contents. On June 9, 1942, the owner in each instance having signed an acceptance of service and authorization for the taking of final decree, judgments of condemna- tion were entered and it was ordered that the product be distributed to charitable institutions and that they be required to take steps to insure removal of the adulterant before consumption of the product.