3740. Adulteration of canned green bKans. U. S. v. 180 Cases and 121 Cases of Green BKans. Default decree of destruction. (F. D. C. No. 6677. Sample Nos. 67632-E, 67633-E.) This product was in whole or in part decomposed. On or about January 22, 1942, the United States attorney for the Western District of Missouri filed a libel against 301 cases, each containing 24 No. 2 cans, of green beans at Springfield, Mo., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 5, 1941, by Good Canning Corporation from Fort Smith, Ark.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance. The article was labeled in part: (Cans) "Dependable [or "Mrs. Lane's"] Cut Stringless Green Beans * * * Packed By Good Canning Corporation [or "Foodland Inc. Distributors Cleveland, Ohio"]." On April 10, 1942, no claimant having appeared, judgment was entered ordering that the product "be destroyed.