3700. Misbranding of Swiss cheese. U. S. v. June Dairy Products Co., Inc., Murray B. Weil, and Sidney Koch. Pleas of guilty. Fine of $500 imposed on corporation and $1,000 on each of the individual defendants. (F. D. C. No. 4174. Sample Nos. 34218-E, 34912-E.) This product was domestic Swiss type cheese falsely labeled "Imported Swiss." On November 25, 1941, the .grand jurors of the United States for the District of New Jersey returned an indictment against the June Dairy Products Co., Inc., having places of business at Jersey City and Newark, N. J., and Murray B. Weil and Sidney Koch, alleging that within the period from on or about September 25 to on or about October 5,1940, the defendants relabeled a quantity of domestic Swiss cheese by stamping on the rind the words "Imported Swiss"; that the said domestic Swiss cheese had been shipped in interstate commerce from Thorp, Wis., on or about September 18, 1940; that the relabeling had been performed while the cheese was held for sale after such shipment in inter- state commerce; and that by the act of relabeling the article the defendants did, with intent to defraud and mislead, commit an act, and caused to be com- mitted an act, while the article was held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce, which resulted in its being misbranded as follows: (1) in that the statement "Imported Swiss" stamped on the rind was false and misleading since it represented that the article was imported Swiss cheese, whereas it consisted of domestic Swiss cheese; and (2) in that a domestic Swiss cheese had been offered for sale under the name of another food, namely, "Imported Swiss Cheese." On January 12,1942, pleas of guilty were entered on behalf of the defendants and the court imposed a fine of $500 against the corporation and $1,000 against each of the individual defendants.