2919. Misbranding of canned pears. U. S. v. 100 Cases and 98 Cases of Canned Pears. Consent deerees of condemnation. Produet ordered released under bond to be relabeled. (F. D. C. Nos. 3532, 6047. Sample Nos. 32711-E, 53632-E.) Examination showed that this product was' substandard because the weight oŁ the largest unit in the container was more than twice the weight of the smallest unit; more than 20/percent of the units in the container were discolored; and all units were riot untrimmed or so trimmed as to preserve their normal shape. - On December 17,1940,. and October 24,_ 1941, the United States attorneys for the District of Massachusetts and the,Eastern District of Pennsylvania filed libels against 100 cases each containing 24 cans of pears at Boston, Mass., and 98 cases each containing 24 cans of pears at Philadelphia, Pa., alleging that,the article had been shipped, on or about November 14, 1940. and September 30, 1941, by the Empire Freight Co. from Los Angeles, Calif.; and charging that it was misbranded in that it purported to be a food for which a standard of quality had been pre- scribed by regulations as provided by law, but its quality fell below such standard and its label failed to bear in such manner and form as the regulations specify, a statement that it fell below such standard. The article was labeled in part: (Cans) "Golden Flow Brand Whole Peeled Pears in Heavy Syrup * *' * Packtd By Pure Foods Corp., Los Angeles, Calif." On January 30 and November 17, 1941, Pure Foods Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif., having appeared as claimant, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered released under bond to be relabeled under the super- vision of the Food and Drug Administration.