2746. Reeeipt in interstate commerce and delivery of adulterated tomato puree. TJ. S. v. Ferdinand C. Knoebel (Knoebel Mercantile Co.) and Karl A. Seastone. Pleas of nolo contendere. Bach defendant fined $300. (F. D. C. No. 4187. Sample Nos. 44636-E, 44649-E.) On October 31, 1941, the United States attorney for the District of Colorado filed an information against Ferdinand C. Knoebel, trading as Knoebel Mercan- tile Co., Denver, Colo., and Karl A. Seastone, alleging that on or about October 15, 1940, the defendants received in interstate commerce a quantity of canned tomato puree that was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a decomposed substance; and that on or about January 31, i941, the defendants proferred for delivery and delivered to a firm in Denver, Colo., 25 cases of the same adulterated canned tomato puree. The information further alleged that the said adulterated canned tomato puree had been shipped in interstate com- merce by the Perry Canning Co. from Perry, Utah, on or about October 9, 1940. It was labeled in part: "Gateway Brand Tomato Puree * * * Perry Canning Co., Packers and Distributors, Perry, Utah." On November 22, 1941, pleas of nolo contendere having been entered by the defendants, the court sentenced them each to pay a fine of $300.