2492. Adulteration of poultry. TJ. S. v. Anton N. Nielson (Rugby Creamery). Plea of guilty. Fine, $55. (F. D. C. No. 4195. Sample Nos. 34975-E, 4607-5-E, 46076-B, 46077-E, 46079-B, 46081-E, 46083-E, 46327-E, 46330-E, 46332-E, 46333-E, 46796-E, 46798-E, 46883-E, 46885-E, 46891-E, 46894-E, 46896-E, 46900-E.) On October 8, 1941, the United States attorney for the District of North Da- kota filed an information against Anton N. Nielson, trading as Rugby Creamery, Rugby, N. Dak., alleging shipment within the period from on or about October 16 to on or about November 30, 1940, from the State of North Dakota into the State of New York of quantities of poultry which was adulterated in that it was in whole or in part the product of diseased animals, namely, diseased poul- try. Portions of the article were labeled in part: "Pleasant Dale Milk Fed Poultry." On October 30, 1941, the defendant having entered a plea of guilty, the court imposed a fine of $55.