2258. Adulteration of frozen strawberries. TJ. S. v. 10 Barrels of Strawberries. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 4303. Sample Nos..47416-B, 47420-B.)- - ' " Examination of this product disclosed the presence of moldy berries. On April 17, 1941, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois filed a libel against 10 barrels of frozen strawberries at Chicago, Ill. alleging that the article had been shipped on or about December 9, 1940, by It. D. Bodies Co. from Seattle, Wash.; and charging that it was adulterated in that it consisted wholly or in part of a decomposed substance. The article was labeled in part: "Marshall Strawberries." On June 30, 1941, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed. DRIED FRUITS Nos. 2259 to 2270 report the seizure and disposition of dried fruits (apri- cots, currants, dates, figs, peaches, pears, prunes, or raisins) that were insect- infested.